Monthly Archives: October 2018

Worn glow plugs cause a number of problems

Worn glow plugs cause a number of problems Glow plugs are wearing parts and need to be checked regularly, normally around every 80,000 – 100,000 km to ensure they function perfectly. Experience has shown that glow plugs usually reach their wear limit in quick succession. For the customer, replacing the complete set costs less than repeatedly replacing […]

Blue Stars Diesel can recondition YOUR pumps!

Blue Stars Diesel can recondition YOUR pumps! Have you ever considered getting your current pump reconditioned in your vehicle?  The good thing about reconditioned pumps is there basically brand new at a fraction of the price you would pay for a completely new one, why pay top dollar for a brand new pump when a reconditioned one […]

5 Core Reasons Why You Should Consider Buying A Diesel-Powered Car

5 Core Reasons Why You Should Consider Buying A Diesel-Powered Car Many people often associate the term “diesel cars” with a small SUV, ute or commercial work van. The reality is that diesel passenger cars are slowly becoming the preferred choice for many residential families due to the huge range of diesel benefits. The switch from running […]